Generation of Electronic Product Information (GePI)

GePI is a computer system that generates the product information in n-languages from text tables. The core work is completed: programs, architecture, XML template and DTD. Most of the work left is routinary: fill the tables and refine the lower children in the XML tree.

There are four tables, formatted as simple key-value pairs, that correspond to the four classes of segments in product information. Neutral segments, such as ATC code or address, are particularly useful as they are kept in one place; for updates, just change the single copy, run Ged and all the 26 lingustic versions of the product information are generated in an instant.

Classes of segments in product information
Language Neutral
Common common to all products, language specific
example: section title
Name of the medicinal product
code: cl
common to all products, language neutral
example: section number
code: cn
Product Product specific, language specific
example: instructions
take the pill in the morning
code: pl
Product specific, language neutral
example: ATC code
code: pn
colors as per the commented documents
Documents generated by Ged and the input segment tables
any volunteers to fill segment files?
Lang Documents Segments
Linguistic Neutral
no CSS
red - cl
blue - pl
black - cn
blue - pn
all all x x
en English x x x x x x segment files with few entries
es Spanish x x x x x segment files with few entries
lb Luxembourgish x x x x x easy to add new languages
bg Bulgarian x x x x x from here skeleton segment files
cs Czech x x x x x
da Danish x x x x x
de German x x x x x
et Estonian x x x x x
el Greek x x x x x
fr French x x x x x
ga Irish x x x x x
hr Croatian x x x x x
it Italian x x x x x
lv Latvian x x x x x
lt Lithuanian x x x x x
hu Hungarian x x x x x
mt Maltese x x x x x
nl Dutch x x x x x
pl Polish x x x x x
pt Portuguese x x x x x
ro Romanian x x x x x
sk Slovak x x x x x
sl Slovenian x x x x x
fi Finnish x x x x x
sv Swedish x x x x x
is Icelandic x x x x x
no Norwegian x x x x x
